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Resident Evil: Zagłada

Resident Evil: Extinction
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Resident Evil: Zagłada
powrót do forum filmu Resident Evil: Zagłada


ocenił(a) film na 6

Wie ktoś kiedy będzie zwiatun??
Kurde zaczynam się już niecierpliwić:(

ocenił(a) film na 7

Podobno ma mieć premierę w ten piątek, wraz z filmem "Ghost Rider".


hehe....to ciekawe ... ale fajnie bedzie zobaczyć zwiastunik już w piatek....


Są juz tacy co widzieli, ale nie mogę znaleźć nigdzie w internecie tego zwiastuna.

ocenił(a) film na 7

No własnie nie ma jeszcze tego trailera w necie ?? Szukam nawet na oficjalnej stronie residenta i nie ma po nim sladu !! Tylko czytałem na forum
Ghost Ridera ze jeden koleś juz widział Ghost ridera w Stanach(chyba) i przed filmem był puszczany zwiastun Evila !! Podobno robi piorunujące wrażenie !!! Oby.

ocenił(a) film na 7

No premiera był wraz z Ghost Rider'em:

Okay, so it comes on, Alice talking i think, but I'm not totally sure if its her...but the woman's not recapping or anything...it's coming on RE2 teaser-style with some lady talking about Las Vegas and how its all great and stuff maybe like its a commercial for it...it's showing all these little clips of casinos and women laughing and stuff...and then i know she ends with the word "Dead", and it shows i think a decayed woman or something. And then...(thinks)...i'm not exactly sure the order for this part, but it zooms out and shows basically what we saw at the end of RE:Apocalypse - the satellite with the umbrella logo. (for a second i was getting worried thats all the trailer would be, but it does continue).

so then in zooms back in, now showing the current las vegas & the statue of liberty & the eiffel tower all buried in sand...and then it focuses in on Alice looking totally badass, then starts showing all these different quick clips from the movie. the flashes were really fast, i couldnt catch all the stuff, but what i did notice were these things: Alice weilding her kukri knives, Claire looking out of a vehicle a couple of times, Betty looking scared (i think she was holding a gun also), I think I saw Kmart next to Betty, some zombies climbing onto something..maybe a building i dunno.

what i didnt see or at least couldnt catch cuz it was going so fast: any shots of carlos, LJ, Isaacs, or Wesker.

i also saw no jill, just in case someone still desperate to know if she's in the movie.

but like i said, preview had a nice amount of new footage, but it was all shown in quick speed, so it was hard to catch everything. but i would say a very solid teaser trailer overall. i can tell they are definitely marketing it as a big movie that's a must see.

oh, and the trailer ends with the logo of Resident Evil : Extinction coming out of the sand.

Brzmi super.

Według bloody-disgusting.com trailer ma być online w przyszłym tygodniu.

ocenił(a) film na 8

No z tego co tu wyczytałem to faktycznie będzie dobrze a nawet bardzo dobrze, oby w tym tygodniu wyszedł ten zwiastun bo sie nie moge doczekać czym nas zaskoczy Resident Evil Extinction teraz to tylko czekć zostało.


No i jest zwiatun i... nic nam nie pokazuje... wiemy tyle że Las Vegas zoistanie zniszczone i beda na pustyni :P nie ma zbyt dużo pokazane ;P szkoda :(

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