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Pamiętniki wampirów

The Vampire Diaries
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ocenił(a) serial na 10

Co powiecie na cytaty z serialu?

Mój ulubiony to:
Damon: "Fajnie się nie starzec. Jestem wiecznym ogierem" :D

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Który to był dokładnie odcinek?? I którego sezonu...

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Z którego odcinka jest ostatni cytat?


Pamiętam jedynie, że wtedy, gdy Damon i Elena zamknęli uzależnionego od krwi Stefano w piwnicy ;]

ocenił(a) serial na 10



Albo w pierwszym sezonie, na jednym ze słynnych imprez organizowanych przez Carol Lockwood xD
D: Popatrz na jego rękę.
A (Alaric): Kogo?
D: Ulubieńca miasta!
A: O. Jego pierścień jest taki sam jak mój.
D: To mógłby być duży zbieg okoliczności, gdyby nie to, że zmartwychwstał 5 minut temu!


Jedne z miliona ulubionych :) :
Bonnie: What's going on?
Jeremy: We're going to kill Katharine.
Stefan: I can explain.
Bonnie: Please.
Stefan: We're ... going to kill Katharine.

lub to:
Jenna: Mason był dobrą partią. Dziewczyny za nim szalały.
Damon: Naprawdę? Miałem cię za samotnego wilka.
Mason: Raczej nie byłem takim playboyem jak ty. :D

ocenił(a) serial na 7

w jakim odinku pierwszy cytat ?

ocenił(a) serial na 10

mam pytanko: w którym to było odcinku??

ocenił(a) serial na 9

Damon: Elena know you're drinking blood?
Stefan: I've been drinking hers.
Damon: *poker face* How romantic.

Damon : Podoba mi się ten nasz trójkącik... trochę perwersyjny... Nie spieprzcie tego.

i jeszcze wyżej wymieniony o zabiciu Katherine, Stefek choć raz zachował się zabawnie.


Ja również ten dialog lubię:
Damon: Elena is not Katherine.
Stefan: You're right. She's not.
*Damon zauważa przebraną Elenę, wyglądającą zupełnie, jak kiedyś Katherine*

Ale także:
*Do biologicznego ojca Eleny*
Katherina: Hello John!
*wbija mu nóż*
Katherina: Goodbye John!


Ostatnio jestem na etapie tego cytatu z 16 odcinka II serii:)
Damon: Katherine, there are six other bedrooms in this house. Go and find one.


A propos Katherine, dziś przypomniał mi się tekst z 2x04 (przy oglądaniu tegoż odcinka po raz 4):
We both know I can rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time.


Mi się podobał tekst Damona do Stefana: "Nie boisz się, że pewnego dnia wszystkie leśne zwierzątka zbiorą się i dokonają zemsty? Na pewno już to planują." xdd
Padłam :D

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Mam kilka ulubionych cytatów ale zostały już tu napisane, na czele znajduje się oczywiście :
D - Podoba mi się ten nasz trójkącik... trochę perwersyjny... Nie spieprzcie tego.
Za to moja ulubiona scena to jak Damon wchodzi do pokoju Eleny, buszuje<xD> w szafach i znajduje stanik Eleny, a na końcu kładzie się na łóżku z misiem na brzuchu i go tak miętoli w palcach . Nie mogłam już wtedy ze śmiechu.

ocenił(a) serial na 8

18 odcinek pierwszej serii. Damon zrzucił z balkonu Johna, a potem zauważa go na scenie, gdy ma dokonać przemówienia. Mina Damona - bezcenna. I jego tekst: "No bez jaj!" ;)


Hahaha, zapomniałam o tym "No bez jaj". To było genialne : )


Odświeżam temat. Przecież boskich cytatów z VD nie brakuje :)

Ric: Get rid of him before Jenna comes back with dessert.

Damon: Gotta run, I have a murder to plan. Busy day.

ocenił(a) serial na 8

Drugi odc. drugiej serii. Stefan przegrywa w siłowaniu się na ręce z Masonem.
Damon: Co jest z tą rodziną do cholery?! Jeśli nie są wampirami, to kim?
Stefan: Ooo nie wiem. Może żółwiami Ninja?
I ta mina Damona ;) To jeden z nielicznych tekstów Stefka, który był dosyć śmieszny ;)

ocenił(a) serial na 10

Oh, mam wieeele ulubionych cytatów:
Damon: It's some kind of crazy ass psychic witch attack! (Powstrzymuję szalony, parapsychiczny atak czarownika! - jeden z niewielu cytatów, które wg. lepiej brzmią po polsku :P).
Katherine: You hurt me today.
Damon: Tit for tat.
Katherine: You were mean, and very rough, and monstrous.
Damon: You deserved that.
Katherine: I liked this, Damon...
Damon: Katherine, there are six other bedrooms in this house. Go find one.

Damon: So, let me guess... in addition to the moonstone, the doppelganger, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe you need to find this witch burial ground.
Damon: So, let me guess... in addition to the moonstone, the doppelganger, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe you need to find this witch burial ground.
Elijah: I don't really pursue younger women. It's a joke, Ric. Lighten up.
Damon: John, what a suprise! Leave.
Katherine: Hello Damon. Do you have a robe?

Stefan: You wanna let yourself get killed? That's not heroic. That's tragic.

Alaric [o Andie]: Just don't kill her, please.
Damon: If I did, who would report her death?
Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News (uwielbiam, jak to mówi!)
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.

Damon: You need to stop doing that.
Elena: Doing what?
Damon: Assuming that I'll play the good guy because it's you who's asking.
Elena: Damon!
Damon: I'm not gonna hurt him, Elena. I'm the good guy now, remember?
Elena: What does that mean?
Damon: I'm gonna have a civil conversation with your father.
Damon: Just stop talking. Just kiss me. Be my distraction.
Damon: I'm in love with a woman I can never have.
Andie: I knew it. I know how to pick them.
Andie: So why can't you have her? She's with another man I assume.
Damon: Yeah, but that's not the point. The point it, I'm in love with her. It's driving me crazy. I'm out of control.
Andie: You don't trust yourself around her?
Damon: I don't trust myself around anyone, Andie. I'm bad, Andie. I do bad things. I kill people. Don't be afraid. You're ok.
Andie: Why do you kill people?
Damon: Because I like it. It's in my nature too. It's who I am. But then I have to stay together to protect her and she wants me to be the better man which means I can't be who I am. Do you see the problem I'm having, Andie?
Andie: What do you want, Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome?
Damon: I'm not that tall.

Caroline: Everybody just needs to stop kissing me!
Stefan: There's a lot of people here.
Damon: Damn. There goes my plan to rip her spleen through her back.
Rose: What do you call this whole deal with Elijah?
Elena: I call it my best option.
Rose: It's the easiest option.

Elena: Do you think this is funny?
Damon: Yes, Elena, I find hilarity in the lengths I need to go to to save your life
Damon (do Eleny): You know what? You should get out, enjoy the sun... Oh, wait - you can't!

Stefan: Promise me, whatever happens, you'll protect her.
Damon: Promise.
Damon: I killed you. You were dead.
Elijah: For centuries now.
Rose: You know that she isn't going anywhere near my blood, right?
Elena: I know that. She doesn't.
Elena: I don't want to be saved. Not if it means Klaus is gonna kill every person I love.
Damon: Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out by myself.

Rose: Being in love with your brother's girlfriend must be difficult.
Damon: I'm not in love with anyone.
Rose: Wanna try that again?
Caroline: I'm a terrible liar... I'm even worse at duplicity.
Damon: She's in denial.
Stefan: Shut up, Damon

Damon: I just have to say it once. You just need to hear it. I love you, Elena. And it's because I love you, I can't be selfish with you. Why can't you know this. I don't deserve you, but my brother does. God, I wish you didn't have to forget this, but you do.
Stefan: I'm sorry.
Damon: About what?
Stefan: About being the guy that made you turn 145 years ago... what I did was selfish. I didn't wanna be alone. Guess I just needed my brother.
Damon: The elephant in the room lets out a mighty roar.
Stefan: You're coming with me?
Damon: It's Elena.

Katherine: I'm impersonating my dull-as-a-dishwasher-doppelganger, Elena. She had the worst taste.
Lucy: Except in men.
Damon: The second the spell is lifted, I'm gonna drive a stake right through your heart.
Katherine: God, you're heart. When did you get so hot?
Katherine: So, here we are: the brother who loved me too much and the only who didn't love me enough.
Damon: And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself.

Katherine: Where is Mason?
Damon: He's right beside me. Although, his heart's across the room.
Stefan: You're staring.
Elena: I'm gazing.
Stefan: It's creepy.
Elena: It's romantic.
Damon: I look at you and I see myself. A less dashing, less intelligent version.
Stefan: Elena and I are taking a pause.
Jenna: That's not what it sounded like this morning.
Damon: Your search for life's purpose is as obvious as it is tragic.

Elena: What you did for Caroline's mom? That's the Damon who was my friend.
Caroline: I can take you.
Mason: Wanna bet?
Caroline. Yeah. I do.

Damon: I tried to kill a werewolf, I failed. Now I feel like I'm not living up to the version of my best self.
Katherine: Bad day.
Damon: Bad century.
Damon: I always pegged you for a lone wolf.
Mason: I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were.
Stefan: They were your friends, they were your family and you sold them out.
Katherine: Without blinking.
Stefan: Why are you back in town?
Katherine: Three reasons: you, you, and you.

Vanessa: Does vervain really work?
Damon: No, not at all.
Vanessa: Can he hear us?
Damon: No, that would be creepy.
Vanessa: Can he read minds too?
Damon: If you wanna see me naked, all you have to do is ask.
Caroline: Isn't killing cute defenseless animals the first step to serial killer?
Stefan: Well, you sort of skipped serial killer and went straight to vampire.
Elena: You touch her and I swear I'll never speak to you again.
Damon: What makes you think that has any power over me? Cause I took an arrow in the back for you? You are severely overestimating yourself.
Damon: You know this whole pretending to hate me is getting a little silly.
Caroline [to Stefan]: I haven't been in the sun for days, and everyone's at the swimming hole having fun, and Matt is there, and he finally told me that he loved me, but I've been blowing him off, and now you want me to eat bunnies, and I'm kind of freaking out okay?!
Damon [to Elena]: You and Katherine have a lot more in Katherine than just your looks.
Damon: You hated me before and we became friends. It would suck if that was gone forever.
Elena: Friends don't manipulate friends. They help each other.
Caroline: That doesn't vary much from your worried vampire look, neither of which vary from your hey-it's-Tuesday look.
Elena: This is Damon Salvatore, who you just show.
Damon: I'd be extra nice to me right now.
Elena: You're not gonna kill her.
Damon: Watch me.
Alaric: You did kill her brother.
Damon: There is a huge asterisk next to that statement: he came back to life.

Stefan: Maybe they're ninja turtles. Or zombies. Werewolves.
Damon: This is reality, and there's no such thing as werewolves.
Damon [to Stefan]: Are you worried that all the forest animals will band together and fight back? After all, they talk.

Stefan: I haven't spent 145 years obsessed with you.
Katherine: Based on your choice of women, I'd say otherwise.
Stefan: How can I play if I don't know the rules?
Katherine: No rules, Stefan. Don't you remember? No rules.
Mason: In my mind, you're 12 years old.
Tyler: That's two years older than the last time you saw me.
Elena: What happened?
Damon: Katherine happened.
Damon:Oh no..You got to be kidding me.
Damon: To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead... We kissed
Stefan: "What do you mean you `kissed`?"
Damon: "Well, when two lips pucker and they go [kiss noises]"


Oj tak :) I jeszcze jak Stefan mówi "Zombie? Wilkołaki?", a potem komentarz Damona "Since this is reality and there's no such thing as werewolves or combat turtles" xD

ocenił(a) serial na 7

ja uwielbiam scenę gdy Elena rozmawia z Damonem w lesie i atakują ich wilk... ten tekst Damona "Elena nie odwracaj się... jak powiem uciekaj to uciekniesz i nie będziesz się oglądać..."

I gdy Damon zostaje sam z wilkiem " Hey dogie dogie...:P " Mina Damona jest bezcenna... <3

ocenił(a) serial na 5

Enzo po spotkaniu z Markosem: "I think we just met the universe."
Dla mnie hit sezonu.

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