Ezra Miller

Ezra Matthew Miller

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Ciekawe co było powodem owego wyrzucenia

użytkownik usunięty

a on sam nie odszedł?

w tym skrócie biograficznym na filmwebie jest napisane, że został wydalony.
ale może faktycznie nie ma co się tym sugerować. często pojawiają się błędy.


podobno strzelał łukiem do kolegów.


hahah dooobre!


hahhahaha umarłam


fragment wywiadu:

I heard you dropped out of the Hudson School because you had a dream about Beethoven…?

I love how this stuff works. Did you play that game as a kid broken telephone? Where you whisper something in a circle and it sounds completely different at the end? There were a million reasons high school didn’t make sense for me. I found the classroom forum restrictive and condescending. I was finding really fulfilling and wonderful experiences out of school, in my work. I wanted to come back after going to the Berlin Film Festival, but I felt that some of the teachers and students rejected that.

Also, I did have that dream. It’s true. I dreamt I was on the subway where Beethoven was crying and I knew he was Beethoven somehow and he spoke English and he said he’s only written 4 synphonies and I told him to keep going, it was going to be OK and I was trying to push away these amorphous grey blob people surrounding us. I woke up and I knew I had to make a decision about going to school.

It disturbs me when Obama says in the State of the Union address that he wants to make dropping out of school at 18 illegal, because people learn differently and before there are forms of learning for every type of person in the world we shouldn’t be condemned for leaving.

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